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Sabtu, 28 Juni 2008


Bau mulut memang sangat mengganggu karena dapat menurunkan rasa percaya diri. Makanan berikut ini dapat mengurangi bau mulut :


Permen tanpa kandungan gula tidak dapat menggantikan fungsi penting menggosok gigi sehabis makan. Fungsinya hanya menyegarkan napas untuk sesaat karena cara bekerjanya adalah menambah produksi air liur untuk membersihkan bakteri dan penyakit. Permen rasa mint juga dapat digunakan untuk perlindungan sementara.


Untuk memerangi bau napas tak sedap, kunyah daun ketumbar, taragon, eucalyptus. Tanaman segar ini pun bisa dibuat minuman, yang jelas khasiatnya sangat baik untuk pencernaan. Jadi, Anda memperoleh dua keuntungan sekaligus, baik untuk pencernaan dan pencuci mulut.


Biasakan makan yoghurt. Penelitian menunjukkan, dengan mengkonsumsi yoghurt setiap hari dapat mengurangi kadar bau mulut tak sedap. Yoghurt mengandung kadar organisme mikrokospis dan hydrogen sulfida yang dapat mengurangi bakteri di mulut, sehingga mencegah gigi berlubang dan penyakit gusi. Yoghurt membuat bakteri tidak dapat tumbuh. Tapi ingat pilih yoghurt yang natural, jangan yang sudah dibubuhi gula atau yang telah diproses lebih lanjut.


Apel, seledri, wortel, bisa dikunyah langsung sehabis makan. Jenis sayur dan buah ini diyakini dapat menambah produksi air liur sehingga menjadikan mulut tetap basah. Tapi, tetap saja, gosok gigi sehabis makan untuk mengeluarkan sisa makanan yang menyangkut di sela-sela gigi.


Makanlah buah-buahan jenis jeruk, melon, dan makanan lainnya yang mengandung vitamin C dosis tinggi. Jika tubuh kita penuh dengan vitamin C Bakteri enggan tumbuh berkembang.Untuk mereka yang berdiet, vitamin C dosis tinggi sangat dibutuhkan untuk mencegah penyakit gusi dan radang gusi. Kedua penyakit itu menyebabkan bau mulut yang tidak sedap.

Dapatkan vitamin C dari makanan, buah-buahan, sayuran, dan jangan dari suplemen, karena suplemen dapat menyebabkan perut menjadi mual sehingga akhirnya napas yang dikeluarkan menjadi bau. (source : KCM)

Senin, 23 Juni 2008

Limiting Fats and Cholesterol For Your Health

Besides avoiding high-sodium foods, people with heart failure should limit their intake of saturated fat, trans fat and cholesterol. Eating too much saturated fat, trans fat and cholesterol raises blood cholesterol, and high blood cholesterol is a major risk factor for developing other types of heart disease, including coronary arthery diseases, which often contribute to heart failure.

People with cardiovascular disease (CVD) should limit their intake to less than 200 milligrams of cholesterol daily. Total fat intake should be adjusted to meet a person's caloric needs. Saturated fat should be 7–10 percent. It should be less than 7 percent for those with CVD.

Reducing intake of these foods high in saturated fat, trans fat and cholesterol is a step in the right direction:

  • Whole milk, cream and ice cream — try fat-free milk and low-fat frozen yogurt instead
  • Butter, egg yolks and foods made with them, such as cakes and pies
  • Bakery goods made with egg yolks and saturated and trans fats
  • Cheeses and foods made with them — try low-fat cheeses or string cheese instead
  • Organ meats such as liver, sweetbreads, kidney and brain
  • Saturated oils like coconut oil, palm oil and palm kernel oil
  • High-fat processed meats like sausage, bologna, salami and hot dogs
  • Fatty red meats that aren't trimmed of excess fat
  • Duck and goose meat (lower-fat poultry options are available)
  • Chicken and turkey with the skin on
  • Solid fats like shortening, stick margarine and lard
  • Fried foods such as fried chicken, french fries and potato chips

Senin, 16 Juni 2008

A GOOD NUTRITION: Your Wise Investment

From Your Nutrition, Are You a Wise Investor or a Deep-In-Debtor?

What motivates women to make a commitment to healthy habits, and does this commitment actually translate into good health? A recent Louis Harris Women's Health and Nutrition National Survey has provided some fascinating answers to these questions. One of the key findings is that women who view good nutrition as a long-term investment in their health, and who have maintained healthy eating habits for at least 10 years, are most likely to rate their health as “excellent.”

Too many women would agree with the statement, “I'm probably going to pay more attention to nutrition when I get older”. In fact, the survey revealed that it isn't until age 40 that most women begin to develop a true commitment to healthy eating (60 percent of women age 40 and over say they practice healthy eating habits every day, versus 43 percent of those under 40).

Based on the survey results, women under 40 should consider changing their habits now, because if they don't have healthy eating habits by age 40 they are less likely to change.

And to help women better understand the impact of personal health habits, four distinct “nutrition investor” profiles have been identified based on the survey:

  • Deep-In-Debtors are women who will definitely experience declining balances as they age. Unfortunately, they're not so few and far between, numbering 14 million (13 percent of the adult female population). Deep-In-Debtors delight in the inventions of moving sidewalks and drive-thru restaurants (they don't believe in exercise) and “diet,” even when it means healthy eating, is definitely a four-letter word to them. They also are permanent procrastinators they see nothing wrong with eating tomorrow what they couldn't eat today. Bottom Line? they generally consider themselves to be in poorer health (and they can bank on it!).
  • Insufficient Funders are a sizable group 41 million women who either eat right or exercise, but they don't do both. Because of their unbalanced approach to a healthy lifestyle, their nutrition savings accounts are likely to be stamped “insufficient funds” later in life. The “IFs” who only exercise would like to eat better, but they just can't get themselves to do it. High-fat, high – cholesterol foods are likely to be staples in their diets. Skim milk, margarine, low-fat yogurt and fat-free salad dressing are probably absent from their refrigerators. Insufficient Funders, especially if they don't exercise, are likely to rate their current health only as “fair.”
  • Asset Builders are women who frequently watch what they eat and exercise regularly, but they're not as committed as the Wise Investors. They believe strongly in checks and balances, agreeing in a heartbeat that “exercise is as important as a good diet in staying healthy.” Choosing lean cuts of meat and chicken is one of the simple changes they've made to improve their eating habits. These women, who number 19 million, are building a nice nutrition nest-egg for the future. And they're currently protecting some strong assets they usually rate their health as “very good” or “good”.
  • Wise Investors are women who practice good eating habits every day and exercise regularly, realizing that they will see big dividends in their older years. They number 27 million (27 percent of the USA adult female population). They're healthy, wealthy (as it relates to benefiting from good nutrition) and wise. And, unlike the stock market adage, they know that past performance can guarantee future success. Some of the healthy eating habits Wise Investors have adopted are getting enough fiber and calcium every day, and controlling their intake of total fat, saturated fat and cholesterol. Whole grain breads and cereals, lots of fruits and vegetables, and margarine are examples of foods that easily fit into their diets. Biggest return on their investment? They usually rate their health as “excellent.”

Senin, 02 Juni 2008


Science find that human being own the special body organ with the laboring process and function according to certain natural law. This natural law if listened go, will look after the healthy body and work in normal storey level. Existence of action digress from natural law can give the damage influence of human being body. We are created to become the vegetarian! There is difference between herbivore ( animal of crop eater) and carnivore among other things :

MOUTH. Mouth of human being opened to minimize, while doggish carnivore have the wide open mouth so that big clod of flesh can come into the mouth.

TOOTH FORMATION. Human being have the crosscut incisor sharply with the molar tooth which level off or flatten used to pulverize and munch the food. This matter is equal to herbivore animal ( crop eater). On the other side, carnivor ( karnivora) have the long fang, strength and sharply to grab and tear the food ( flesh). With the keen fang beside come near the jaw used to cut flesh.

INTESTINE. Carnivor own the simple stomach, short small intestine, and very short large intestine, slippery and diametrical. At others, crop eater have the capacities of stomach larger ones with its sharess which is complicated oftentimes, for example stomach of concubine livestock / ox which multiple.The small intestine is very long and its large intestine is slippery and long. Intestine of human being do not the in form of like all carnivor.

SWEAT BAND. Herbivor sweat passing husk is same as human being, while carnivor animal sweat passing mouth. Spit the human being contain the enzyme ptialin, is same as animal of herbivor, what is used to digest the flour (meal). Human being drink the water by sucking / inhaling like crop eater. While all carnivor animal breath in with their tongue. The bile of human being like animal of herbivor and not like carnivor.

Vegetarian Food Prevent the Disease

Because human being designed not to eat the flesh, no wonder if a lot of fearful disease arise in consequence of eating flesh, included in cancercous, heart of kardiovaskular and cerebrovaskular, stroke, hipertension, etc. Science have old prove that vegetarian food can prevent this disease.

Previously, in 1961, magazine " Journal Of American Medical Association" expressing: " Vegetarian food can prevent 97% from gagging aortae of heart."Rita Butram Phd, Lead the Area of Food and cancer at Institute of National Cancer ( American NCI) say that number of death of effect of cancer there is its bearing with the food. Hereinafter he say that American NCI have determined the year 2000 to reach the target lessen the death of effect of cancer until 50%. According to Dr. Butram, this target can be reached if people listen go the fomentation from this Institute, is the following:

  1. Lessen the fat until 30% from totalizeing diet
  2. Improving fibre food until 20-30 gram per day, with the boundary at most 35 gram
  3. Take care of the ideal body weight
  4. Eat more amount fruit and vegetables
  5. Vegetarian food improve endurance

Dr. Per Olof Astrand, a man of science of Swedia which famous, performing experiment to determine the best food to all sportsman. By chosening nine atlet for the experiment of its, he give various different food for the three-day of, the following:

Phase I: normal mixture food
( flesh, potato, carrot, kol, and butter). All athlete pedal bicycle kept quiet for the mean of 114 minute

Phase II: high protein and fat ( flesh, fish, butter and egg). They can pedal the bicycle kept quiet during 57 minute before fatigue.

Phase III: food have high carbohydrate
( bread, potato, maize and multifarious of vegetable and fruit). They ready to pedal the bicycle kept quiet for the mean of about 167 minute.

Equally their endurance is bigger treble almost when they eat the vegetarian food compared by if they eat flesh and result of other ranch.

Schontenden test a number of university student Brussels to compare the energy strength from people who is all vegetarian of compare people who like to eat the flesh. All student obliged to follow two physical test:

-Depressing " ergograph" right by hand

-Lifting weight

Its result indicate that all vegetarian reach the mean 69 number at ergograph and carnivor only reach 38. The strongest vegetarian reach the number 1,457 in lifting weight, while strongest carnivor only reach the number 1,049. The matter surprising is that he discover all convalesce quicker vegetarian after cleanse the energy so that more readily repeat that experiment is compared to with their opponents.

No wonder most of world athlete is vegetarian. What secret from victory of all atlet? If we eating food contain carbohydrate hence will be turned into a glucose and on file in liver and muscle in the form of glikogen. The number of glikogen at muscle of vital importance to alter the ATP ( Adenosine Triphosphate) becoming ADP ( Adenosine Diphosphate) yielding energy. In consequence, more amount carbohydrate amount eaten, more amount energy yielded. Flesh not contain the carbohydrate little. That cause, a vegetarian will yield the more amount energy.

Healthy Tips Food :

  1. Consume kinds of grain, seed and vegetable.
  2. Prepare the food as simple as possible, but draw and conducive to the appetite. Braise, burn or grill , its change fry. Avoid the fat. Use all fat type seldom possible ( vegetation oil, better).
  3. Eat Regular :Morning: best food and a lot of. ( kingly morning breakfast), Day : best secondary food ( lunch like prince), Night : lightest food from that day ( dine like beggar).
  4. Don't eat among mealtime

By following healthy food principles above hopefully you can get the health which as well as possible. By following king guidance - prince - beggar, your body overweight will not again become the problem. You'd sleep more well-sleep between two lights because digestion also can follow the rest ( don't digest the food whereas we sleep). A lot of its benefit besides preventing disease, also can improve the strength. Top-Drawer matter is trying to practice at yourself and find how life you'd be healthier and happier.